Friday, January 16, 2015

Contact form success


It seems that should be the name of our blog as I'm always trying to 'tweak' it.

It started as a way to keep family and friends updated first on our life in Mexico and then in Bolivia.  But recently we noticed visitors from all over the world (US, Canada, Argentina, UK, Bolivia, St. Kitts, France, Spain, Indonesia, Ireland, Costa Rica, Russia, China, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia and more). It dawned on me that when we were researching different countries before reaching out where the need was greater, in addition to reading WT articles and postings, we visited many different need-greater blogs.  They inspired, motivated and educated us.  We even communicated with some of the brothers in other countries by means of their blogs (many thanks to Justin and Stephanie for giving us contacts and excellent advice about Bolivia).

Recently I decided to 'pay it forward' by making our blog open to feedback. I put a contact form in the margin.  Within the first couple weeks we had our first inquiry from a family interested in moving to Bolivia. We were able to share some details about the cost of living and travel in our area.

We may not be able to do much to help our brothers, but the little we can do feels good!

Thus, please feel free to contact us if you are considering moving to Bolivia.  We haven't been here long and may not be able to help with too many answers, but we can try!

Look forward to talking to you soon!

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