Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Arrival Home

Oh, I forgot to mention. When getting home from Tequis (Teh-keys) we found there were intruders in our home!!!!

Well, sort of. We give our keys to different brothers and sisters with an open invite that if they need or want to use our house for anything while we are away they have our permission. Sunday night Janiece (a sister from North Carolina who soon will be leaving Pachuca to serve in Monterrey) had arranged to have some from the congregation over to see a slide show of her recent trip to the International Convention in Chile.

So we arrived home just in time to have pizza, pop, cake and a slide show. What an encouraging experience.

What affected her the most was ... well before that ... she grew up in the truth. For many of us who grew up in the truth it is the love of the brothers that proved to us that we are really in the truth. That was what affected her the most. She literally came back with bags full of memorabilia and gifts that the local brothers handed out. Gifts of homemade cards with contact information, bags of candies, gifts too many and varied to explain. She allowed all of us to have some of the gifts because there were so many.

If ever you get the opportunity to go to an International Convention I'm sure Janiece would be the first to urge you to take it! What a thing to belong to such a loving worldwide brotherhood.

Love to all.

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